Zero Waste Training
How do businesses achieve Zero Waste? One step at a time!
Foodprint’s 10-module Zero Waste Program provides teams with a streamlined, comprehensive path to Zero Waste, 90% or better diversion of materials from landfill or incineration. Through a train-the-trainer approach, teams build internal capacity to increase recycling rates, reduce waste and save money.
Improve your triple bottom line by reducing waste
Zero Waste e-Learning Courses
Available for Purchase Online via Thinkific.
Learn how to plan your waste infrastructure to maximize recycling and composting. Follow best practices for bin color-coding, sizing and placement. Increase your recycling rate, educate staff, and handle waste safely. Ensure your team has the equipment and know how to set up for success every day. Use design to make it easy for your staff and guests to do the right thing.
Includes final bin map, bin inventory templates, and Foodprint Group expert review of your draft bin maps.
Create an effective Zero Waste employee training video that covers why we should care about waste, your company’s goals, the actions your team has taken to reduce waste and make recycling easy, and what every employee should know about the waste management practices in your operations.
Learn how to customize employee training resources, turn our templates into a plug-and-play video, and conduct employee trainings leading up to program launch and beyond.
Includes template training video slides and script and expert review of your draft training slides and video.
Build a set of effective Zero Waste signs and labels covering the full range of waste streams typical in a restaurant, hotel or food service operation. Learn the best practices that go into designing effective zero waste signs. Gain step-by-step knowledge of how to customize, order, and install signs and labels in your operations. Make educating your guests on “what goes where” easy.
Includes back and front of house sign and label templates and Foodprint Group expert review of your draft signs.
Create highly visual Zero Waste Standard Operating Procedures for your janitorial, housekeeping, stewarding, and F&B teams that can be easily modified as your waste management program and hauling partners evolve. Keep your waste management information and best practices at your team’s fingertips.
Includes our Standard Operating Procedures template and Foodprint Group expert review of your draft SOP.
Zero Waste Program
Foodprint’s comprehensive train-the-trainer program creates experts on your team across departments who build best practices into your places and culture. Modules in bold are available individually and as a bundle via our e-learning option.

What our Clients Say
“Getting Foodprint in to help us realize our zero waste goals was a long time in making…yet I could never have predicted how seamless, positive, and productive it would turn out.”
— Lauren DeSteno, Corporate Executive Chef, Altamarea Group
“The carefully thought out practices really helped in making this a successful journey. There were a lot of areas that I did not think of had it not been part of the checklist process. Very pleased with the outcome.”
— Christopher Manolo, 1 Hotel Toronto, Director of Purchasing